Four Amazing Spinach Recipes for those that don’t like Spinach
Spinach, like many dark leafy greens, is an excellent source of Iron and provides a host of other benefits as well. Spinach is life-preserving, anti-inflammatory, and protects the eyes, because of a phytonutrient called Lutein. It can help brain function and strength building.
Beginner Juicing Recipes for Digestion, Skin Health, and Nutrient Boosts.
Juicing is a helpful and powerful tool to get extra servings of fruits in your day, save extra produce from the trash before it gets overripe, and give yourself an immune boost.
If you are like me, sometimes you get in a rut when cooking during the week and realize you ate all your favorite veggies but none of the others. There are multiple ways of managing this situation. A random veggie oven roast bowl with a compatible sauce, an everything but the kitchen sink veggie soup, a smoothie, or prepping and freezing what you can’t get to. I love to juice produce approaching overripeness. Don’t lose your hard-earned cash through rotting produce.
How to plan out your Grocery List
Eating healthy can be difficult, especially when you don’t have the ingredients to work with. Maybe you want to eat healthy, but there is nothing in your fridge you know what to do with. Or maybe there is nothing in your fridge at all. I want to preface this by saying that I am not a nutritionist or health professional but a lifelong plant-based eater and a passionate cook. So, with my years of experience, I will share some tips and inspiration for healthy plant-based eaters who may be new to the lifestyle. In this post, we will discuss the building blocks to a healthy meal, ingredient considerations based on your goals, and finally, planning a grocery trip without a strict meal plan in mind.
New ways to eat your veggies (Featuring Eggplant)
Eggplant is a diverse vegetable that can be cooked into sauces and dips, eaten as a main course as a fritter, and disguised into other food items like falafel. Today, I will show you two easy recipes for eating eggplant. Eggplant’s deep blue-purple hue indicates that it provides a source of Vitamins K and C along with a host of other healthy minerals like choline, folate, potassium, manganese, and more.
New ways to eat your veggies (Featuring Broccoli)
Broccoli is from the cruciferous family. Its dark green color doesn't lie; it is chock full of nutrients, making it a nutrient powerhouse. Filled with glucosinolates and antioxidants, it boosts our immune system. Additionally, it is a fun texture.
Cooking Oils--The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
You may consider food a significant contributor when taking preventative measures for your health. For a small step in the right direction, learn more about staple ingredients like cooking oils, and see if you should make the switch.
A Cleanse of the Mind, Body and Soul.
The kind of content you consume can directly impact your ability to stay focused on your goals, improve your life, and improve your brain function. That is why twice a year, I do a cleanse. It’s not a diet; it’s not a huge lifestyle shift; it's a time of abstaining from the “not the best” things so you can have a better quality of life.
A Plant Based Eater's Best Friend
As I mentioned before, many greens and crucifers are considered superfoods, foods nutrient dense and considered extremely beneficial for the body’s overall health and wellbeing. Many of these contain unique combinations of vitamins and minerals that aid the body in different ways. For example, many of these greens (and crucifers) contain a substantial amount of vitamin K, and other Vitamins like A. Some of these greens contain Vitamin B9, E, and C, and all of them contain a boatload of antioxidants and minerals that aid everything from brain and heart health to thyroid function and digestion.
All About Herbs.
Herbs are plants that have a particular flavor or aroma that can add essential flavors to a dish. They are invaluable when it comes to making a delicious masterpiece from regular or plain ingredients. We are discussing herbs today because they are a cornerstone to cooking and a great way to get additional nutrients into your daily meals.
Cooking—A Fusion of Cultures
Cooking is a like a good story. I live in Indiana which is fairly flat, filled with corn and soybeans, and pretty boring to me. But I can live in Indiana and be in London, Barcelona, Puerto Rico, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Indonesia…I could be anywhere simply by eating the food. I’m a history and culture nerd, Learning about the origin and story behind a dish is inspiring—thrilling even. A combination of spices can create a portal to a different time, location, or culture, because you are sharing a meal with the people from that place.