About me
Hi My Name is Blaire Coleman
Welcome to my Internet Home.
My name is Blaire Coleman. I’m a compulsive planner and eternal optimist stumbling clumsily through life. I am a vegan, and hate exercise but write it on every to-do list hoping to stay fit. I read books of all genres, and spout random facts. I laugh at punny jokes with much more gusto than the average person—Like way too much more. I get offended when some one insults the female spirit, and wish everyday for a bigger fro. I like driving fast. I plan to travel the world, because I love learning about other cultures. I love themes and chill vibes. I have moods where I fill my room with art projects of every type, and like to DIY useless things. I fill my fridge with pretty meals that I eat with enthusiasm. I like taking candids of my loved ones and nature with my camera, and people-watch to get a good laugh. I wake up singing, and enjoy private dance parties when I’m alone. I feel complete when I have strawberries in my fridge, gloss on my lips, painted nails, a big fro and a notebook filled with plans. I smile for no reason and hum 24/8. I’m Blaire, a scatterbrained daydreaming weirdo. This is me.
About the blog
I could be considered a spontaneous person at times. Not the jump two feet in without checking the temperature first spontaneous—but certainly the random spark of inspiration and intense research and follow through kind of person. This blog is me, recording all these random trips down many different rabbit holes, because with my inquisitive nature, it’s impossible to bottle it up. I hope that it inspires you to take your own trip down the rabbit hole, or perhaps prevent you from making the same stupid decision I did at the time. My posts will mostly be lighthearted, and a report of whatever topic that I researched that week. I love to travel and try new things, so those things will be included in this blog. I also love money, and success (I mean who doesn’t) so I will let you know to results of my many attempts to make this a reality in my life (because everyone knows it takes failure to get to success.) I may have a discussion with you about my many random societal observations, and hopefully learn from your input. Enjoy a little bit of everything, because that's what makes life interesting.
About My work
I am a freelance writer and photographer, seeking to share art, and build business relationships.I am a quick learner, and dependable, and love working for a good cause.